Discrete Eureka!
This is PD Oxter's blog for Discrete Eureka!
A weekly 2 hour frequency modulation of electromagnetic radiation
The good-kind radio
Tuesdays 8-10pm on WHUS-Storrs Connecticut 91.7 fm
Listen online at http://whus.org/listen.html
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
15th Show Playlist - January 10 2006
just like him - The Claudia Quintet - I, Claudia - Cuneiform RecordsOpening - The Claudia Quintet - I, Claudia - Cuneiform Records"arabic" - The Claudia Quintet - I, Claudia - Cuneiform RecordsI Thought About You - Uri Caine - Live at the Village Vanguard - Winter & WinterOtello - Uri Caine - Live at the Village Vanguard - Winter & WinterTorque - Drew Gress - Spin & Drift - Premonition RecordsAquamarine - Drew Gress - Spin & Drift - Premonition Records[song unknown] - B.B. King and Jimi Hendrix - Jam Session[song unknown] - B.B. King and Jimi Hendrix - Jam SessionDirty Boots - Sonic Youth - Goo - Geffen RecordsScooter & Jinx - Sonic Youth - Goo - Geffen RecordsPoem Electronique - Edgard Varese - OHM: The Early Gurus of Electronic Music - Ellipsis ArtsOraison - Olivier Messiaen - OHM: The Early Gurus of Electronic Music - Ellipsis ArtsAcrid Avid Jam Shred - Aphex Twin - ...I Care Because You Do - Sire RecordsMoo Kid - Aphex Twin - ...I Care Because You Do - Sire RecordsElsewhere is a Negative Mirror - Elliptical Ferns - Reminiscent of the FutureBLITZ - Elliptical Ferns - Reminiscent of the FutureBoy with a bag and his guardian elephant - Claudia Quintet - Semi-Formal - Cuneiform Records
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
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April 2007
May 2007