Discrete Eureka!
This is PD Oxter's blog for Discrete Eureka!
A weekly 2 hour frequency modulation of electromagnetic radiation
The good-kind radio
Tuesdays 8-10pm on WHUS-Storrs Connecticut 91.7 fm
Listen online at http://whus.org/listen.html
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
24th Show Playlist - Special 3 and a Half Hour Edition - March 29 2006
Directions - Miles Davis - Cellar Door Sessions 1970 - Sony Woody'N You - Miles Davis - Relaxin' With the Miles Davis Quintet - Prestige Eclipse - Eric Dolphy - Out There - Prestige 17 West - Eric Dolphy - Out There - Prestige That Undeniable Empty Feeling - Okkyung Lee - Nihm - Tzadik Story of You and Me - Okkyung Lee - Nihm - Tzadik
Bas Relief - Drew Gress - 7 Black Butterflies - Koch/PremonitionBlue On One Side - Drew Gress - 7 Black Butterflies - Koch/Premonition
Fast Track - Radiohead - Pyramid Song Single - Capitol
Have a Cigar - Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here - Capitol
Meeting in the Aisle - Radiohead - Airbag/How Am I Driving? EP - Capitol
Freedom Suite: Part One - David S. Ware Quartets - Live in the World - Thirsty Ear
Surrendered - David S. Ware - Surrendered - Columbia
Is There Anybody Here That Love My Jesus - Medeski Martin & Wood - Shack-Man - Gramavision
Think - Medeski Martin & Wood - Shack-Man - Gramavision
Lonely Soul - U.N.K.L.E. - Psyence Fiction - Mowax
Celestial Annihilation - U.N.K.L.E. - Psyence Fiction - Mowax
Rabbit In Your Headlights - U.N.K.L.E. - Psyence Fiction - MowaxPro Radii - Autechre - Untitled - Warp
Augmatic Disport - Autechre - Untitled - WarpSugarcraft - Medeski Martin & Wood - Combustication - Blue Note
Whatever Happened to Gus - Medeski Martin & Wood - Combustication - Blue Note
Jade Welcoming - Michael Musillami - Beijing - Playscape
Beijing - Michael Musillami - Beijing - Playscape
Jynweythek - Aphex Twin - Drukgs - Sire/Warp Vordhosbn - Aphex Twin - Drukgs - Sire/Warp
Ziggomatic V17 - Aphex Twin - Drukgs - Sire/Warp
Feeling Yourself Disintegrate - Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin - Warner Brothers
Sleeping On the Roof - Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin - Warner Brothers
Improvisation #1 - Miles Davis - Cellar Door Sessions 1970 - Sony
Returning Point - Okkyung Lee - Nihm - TzadikTuesday Morning - Okkyung Lee - Nihm - Tzadik
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