Discrete Eureka!

This is PD Oxter's blog for Discrete Eureka!
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Thursday, March 30, 2006


Another Iraqi Blogger

Ok, thanks to Al Jazeera (you read that right), I'm swamped with blogs from Iraq. Why? Well. . .all the journalists are in hotels. . .I guess if you want info from the street you have to talk to civilians. Which works out really well actually.

From Salam Pax:

Here's a conundrum for you to solve:
To achieve a level of security that would allow the coalition forces to go home without leaving a big mess behind them we need money, this money will only come from oil exports and to achieve that level of oil production we need big foreign investment in the maintenance of oil fields but that investment won't come unless the security situation improves.

Security needs money,
Money comes from oil,
Oil needs foreign investment,
And foreign investment wants security.

Salam Pax

Very nice site! call center network
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