Discrete Eureka!
This is PD Oxter's blog for Discrete Eureka!
A weekly 2 hour frequency modulation of electromagnetic radiation
The good-kind radio
Tuesdays 8-10pm on WHUS-Storrs Connecticut 91.7 fm
Listen online at http://whus.org/listen.html
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
25th Show Playlist - April 5 2006
Spray - Can - Future Days - Mute U.S.Moonshake - Can - Future Days - Mute U.S.Klang - Don Byron - You are #6: More Music For Six Musicians - Blue NoteA Whisper In My Ear - Don Byron - You are #6: More Music For Six Musicians - Blue NoteBebop- Dizzy GillespieEvening Song - Sarin/Goldberg/Schott - What Comes Before - TzadikMozambique - Richard Galliano and Michel Portal - Blow Up - DreyfusA Go Go - John Scofield - A Go Go - PolygramPetits Machins - Miles Davis - Filles de Kilimanjaro - SonyUntitled - Kid Koala - Some of My Best Friends Are DJs - Ninja TuneBasin Street Blues - Kid Koala - Some of My Best Friends Are DJs - Ninja TuneUntitled - Kid Koala - Some of My Best Friends Are DJs - Ninja TuneSpace Cadet 2 - Kid Koala - Some of My Best Friends Are DJs - Ninja TuneCucumber Slumber - Weather Report - Mysterious Traveller - SonyThe Soothsayer - Wayne Shorter - The Soothsayer - Blue NoteValse Triste - Wayne Shorter -The Soothsayer - Blue NotePraludien and Fugen I, II, III, IV - J.S. Bach by Till Fellner - Das Wohltemperierte Klavier - ECMBoompah - Elliptical Ferns - Reminiscent of the Future
Silver Surfer - Elliptical Ferns - Reminiscent of the FutureElsewhere is a Negative Mirror - Elliptical Ferns - Reminiscent of the FutureBLITZ - Elliptical Ferns - Reminiscent of the Future
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