Discrete Eureka!
This is PD Oxter's blog for Discrete Eureka!
A weekly 2 hour frequency modulation of electromagnetic radiation
The good-kind radio
Tuesdays 8-10pm on WHUS-Storrs Connecticut 91.7 fm
Listen online at http://whus.org/listen.html
Thursday, April 13, 2006
A Frivolous Conversation by Czeslaw Milosz
-My past is a stupid butterfly’s overseas voyage.My future is a garden where a cook cuts the throat of a rooster.What do I have, with all my pain and rebellion?-Take a moment, just one, and when its fine shell,Two joined palms, slowly opensWhat do you see?-A pearl, a second.-Inside a second, a pearl, in that star saved from time,What do you see when the wind of mutability ceases?-The earth, the sky and the sea, richly cargoed ships,Spring morning full of dew and faraway princedoms.At marvels displayed in tranquil gloryI look and do not desire for I am content.
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