Discrete Eureka!
This is PD Oxter's blog for Discrete Eureka!
A weekly 2 hour frequency modulation of electromagnetic radiation
The good-kind radio
Tuesdays 8-10pm on WHUS-Storrs Connecticut 91.7 fm
Listen online at http://whus.org/listen.html
Thursday, May 04, 2006
29th Show Playlist - May 3rd 2006
Significant Ordering Was Lost Due To Electronic Failure.
The Following Songs Were Definitely Played, But Probably Not In This Order.
I Also May Be Missing A Few.Lizard Point - Brian Eno - Ambient 4: On Land - AstralwerksLetter B - John Adams - In the White Silence - New World RecordsSection XIII - Steve Reich - Music for 18 Musicians - RCASection IX - Steve Reich - Music for 18 Musicians - RCAOraison - Olivier Messiaen - Ohm: Early Gurus of Electronic MusicSpiegel im Spiegel - Arvo Part - AlinaNumbers - Lusine - Iron City - Select-O-Hits, Inc.
Tsmindao Gherto - Evan Ziporyn (Bang on a Can) - Classics - Cantaloupe Tal Coat - Brian Eno - Ambient 4: On Land - AstralwerksShadows - Brian Eno - Ambient 4: On Land - AstralwerksSilver Surfer - Elliptical Ferns - Reminiscent of the FutureI Spring: The Sun Warms Everything - Carl Orff - Carmina BuranaAndante from Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 - J.S. BachAdagio from Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 - J.S. BachAir on a G String - J.S. Bach (Wendy Carlos) - Switched-On Bach - East Side DigitalKord - Claudia Quintet - Semi-Formal - CuneiformKontakte - Karlheinz Stockhausen - Ohm: The Early Gurus of Electronic MusicGymnopedies 1, 2, 3 - Erik Satie (Varsano and Entremont) - Piano WorksSplask - Squarepusher - Budakhan Mindphone - Nothing RecordsBlind - Lusine - Iron City - Select-O-Hits, Inc.Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - J.S. Bach (E. Power Biggs)
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
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May 2007